Do-Onething Congress

Do you think that, now that this ridiculous political theater is finally nearly over, the House might actually get something besides impeachment done?

Oh, no, of course not. They’re going on holiday.


  1. raven6:30 PM

    Pretty sure I do not want them doing anything. Utter complete gridlock ("two-blocked" for the sailors and loggers) seems safest.

  2. ymarsakar6:37 PM

    The Final Battle approaches. If America can keep Trum alive until about 2021... Victory will no longer be just an American dream.

    I have already transmitted my strategic mobilizations to my chain. America... find to find out what Hussein did to your SS, before they... do something unfortunate.

    I don't like Trum, but he is too important a chess piece to lose now.

  3. Heh. I don’t like him either, but as you say, the game isn’t really about him. Not anymore.

  4. I'd appreciate their going on holiday until January 21, 2021.

  5. An unjust king asked a holy man, saying, "What is more excellent than prayers?"
    He answered: "For you to remain asleep till mid-day, that for this one interval you might not afflict mankind."
