Darn Russians again

The magnetic North Pole has been drifting from Ellesmere Island towards Russia, and will soon be captured by that crafty Putin.  Magnetic forces may have been behind the mysterious disappearance and/or death of Joseph Mifsud almost two years ago.

Kidding aside, I've been reading about the possibility of another pole-reversal just about all my life.  They do happen every few hundred thousand years.  We don't know what it's like when they do.  It's interesting to read this "Mother Nature Network" account, though, and compare the relatively measured "let's not panic yet" tone to a story about which they've been given their marching orders by the climate authorities.  I'm waiting for the theory that links magnetic poles to CO2 concentrations.


  1. For all the overall electric charge neutrality of CO2 molecules, one has only to look at the charge distribution asymmetry within the molecule to understand how magnetic fields can influence CO2 molecules' behavior and accumulation in the atmosphere. The same thing applies to H2O. That, of course, then potentiates resumption of the earlier acid rain threat.

    What surprises me is that the...theorists...aren't squawking about Putin's nefarious investigations into his planetary magnetic field weapon development and his targeting of that acid rain on us, thereby freezing us by flushing out all that atmospheric CO2, starving our crops of all that plant food, and poisoning our land and eroding our buildings.

    With Trump's complicity.

    Eric Hines

  2. I wish you had not suggested that CO2 concentration was even remotely connected to the idea. Who will bring it up as a possibility first? The early money should be on AOC.

  3. magnetic poles to CO2 concentrations

    I second Eric's notion that Trump will be the goblin here.

  4. Dad29--or her uncle, Al Gore.

    Eric Hines

  5. Dad29--or her uncle, Al Gore.

    Actually, that should be addressed to AVI. Already Putin's weapon is working; I'm starving for CO2.

    Eric Hines

  6. It's science, man. The cat was already out of the bag when the Walter Duranty Memorial Pulitzer Prize was given last year for reporting that CO2 was complicit in the Russian collusion. Last week I believe it was reported that the $80K/month Burisma payment was actually made to a bank account in the name of CO2. Is it only a coincidence that the asteroid that will fly by next Thursday shows high concentrations of CO2? We report, you decide.
