Anti-labor laws

Strange how often "labor laws" kills jobs, but hey, it's California.  We'd rather you had no job than a job we don't like!


  1. Buh, buh, buh... But now the big mean ole companies can't take advantage of the poor workers! Our intentions were good! That makes it all okay, right?


  2. No, see, we're protecting you from that big bad mean job.

  3. It's entirely rational: it's a continued effort by Progressive-Democrats to herd lesser folks into their welfare cages. These folks, jobless, will become dependent on their Betters for handouts, and so become votes for those Betters.

    Except that the Progressive-Democrats are misreading most of those lesser folks.

    Eric Hines

  4. Similar to preferring that folks be homeless rather than live in substandard housing

  5. I still haven't figured out if this is going to affect me in my subcontracting work or not. There's some grey area around "personal services" but I have yet to look into it (what with all my spare time - why can't I just have my staff lawyer look into it? Oh yeah, I don't have one!) What a mess.

  6. Douglas, you're welcome in Texas.

    Eric Hines

  7. I appreciate that, Mr. Hines, but family and a not particularly portable line of work make that highly unlikely for a while yet. Besides, Texas has no mountains, and I'd kind of miss that.
