A Small Matter

Rep. Mark Meadows -- my Congressman, as it happens -- notes an interesting exchange in the Horowitz hearing:
Cruz: “A lawyer at the FBI creates fraudulent evidence, alters an email that is in turn used as the basis for a sworn statement to the court that the court relies on. Am I stating that accurately?"

Horowitz: "That's correct. That's what occurred"
That's kind of a problem.


  1. A problem? It's a crime. I get that the IG doesn't refer individuals for prosecution (a fact that the media is steadfastly ignoring, and claiming exoneration of all involved based on the IG report), but I would have greatly preferred the IG to refer to these "mistakes" as "potential criminal activity". I trust the AG will address the charges though. Hopefully.

  2. Grim, Grim, Grim.... clearly you don't understand the meta-picture here.

    A "low level" lawyer typed some words... ummm.... somewhere. And... [mumble mumble] FISA [mumble] Trump was wrong [mumble] Comey says he was vindicated.

    Meanwhile... RUSSIANS!!!


  3. I heard it was a low-level employee in the Cleveland office. :-)

    Seriously, this came out a few weeks ago, and I've been hoping ever since that it's the hook that will allow Durham to start knocking down some dominoes. They have this guy dead to rights on a clear criminal charge, no waffling, no fudging about exercise of discretion or bias or any of that. I only wonder whether, in cutting a deal, he's senior enough to implicate much of anyone. But it can be a start. So far all they've done is fire him.

  4. Strangely, however low the level, Horowitz referred the entire chain of command for review and discipline.

  5. Off subject matter I thought you moved to TN. Mark is a NC representative.

  6. I’m in NC, but on the border.
