A Plan for 2020

Angelo Codevilla has suggested one.

He had this admonition: Our temptation to focus on fights regarding Trump has obscured the fact that their [the ruling class'] objection is to us.


This bit, Were Donald Trump to be reelected in 2020, as is likely, there is no reason to think his second administration would loosen the ruling class’s tightening grip on our lives any more than the first did, leads me to my own, somewhat more concrete suggestion of what Trump ought to do:

Demand the resignations of all White House staffers including the staffs of every agency and facility in the White House right down to the cooks and janitors, firing those who, like a lawyer in DoJ, refuse to resign. Put in place the heads of those staff agencies the people whom Trump can trust, and have them as their first order of business go through those resignations and retain those whom the new heads deem worthy. Then hire some (not many), if necessary, to flesh out the staffs.

That at least will give the President a measure of control over his White House staff and should hold leaks to a dull roar.

Eric Hines


  1. raven9:07 PM

    What Trump ought to do?
    Let's just say my suggestions are commensurate with the idea top national law enforcement and security agencies are attempting a coup.

    Put it into context-What would the Great Khan do? What would Saladin do, or Richard Lionheart, or Tokugawa Ieyasu?

  2. It's clear that large-scale structural changes will be necessary, something on the scale of dividing up the nation; or re-ordering it into a collection of urban corridors and rural areas, which can take on the functions of states.

    How you get there is difficult. It's not clear that the system can reform itself internally given how badly divided its existing institutions are; a constitutional convention, perhaps.

  3. ymarsakar6:26 AM

    Put in place the heads of those staff agencies the people whom Trump can trust, and have them as their first order of business go through those resignations and retain those whom the new heads deem worthy.

    I told Trum supporters that as early as the 2015 end to primaries. I mostly got pushback from 9/11 "Hero king needs to save us or Clinton will kill us all" type of reactions. Either that or they get so triggered by me not putting P on Trum's name, they get distracted going after me because they think Trum cleaning up the "swamP" will be as easy as his Apprentice shows.

    Heh, I didn't think so back then, I don't think so now.

    The solution to Purges are... Counter Purges. Even the gods tend to resort to this solution, as in the Divine Flood.

  4. ymarsakar6:28 AM

    It's not clear that the system can reform itself internally given how badly divided its existing institutions are; a constitutional convention, perhaps.

    Humans cannot do it given the history of failures, but the elohim can and will. Although what results won't be "America First"... people might need to give up on that one if they want the Deep State annihilated from the face of this Earth. The gods do not respect nations, not the light nor the dark ones.
