"The Evil Repercussions of the American Revolution"

The NYT reviews a book subtitled How the American Revolution Devastated the Globe. Although the reviewer calls the piece "enthralling," he does admit that there is a reliance on a kind of 'butterfly effect' that readers might find unconvincing. By the conclusion there is simply not a conviction in the case. The reviewer writes:
This is a pity. Having proposed such an audacious thesis, and collected a lot of interesting but not self-evidently cohesive or decisive information, the book needs to draw its ideas together and make its case that the American Revolution devastated the globe. As it is, though much of the material here is lively, enjoyable and compelling, the thesis is not persuasive.
Well, maybe the next time. We'll keep trying the case until we get the right result. That's how things are done, right?


  1. Well, our Revolution did and has done serious damage to the monarchist globe, which is not to say our work is finished.

    Eric Hines

  2. ymarsakar9:23 PM

    Flat Earth is already crushing everybody's global balls, so why not.

    Infowars Reese was given the go ahead by Aj to do a piece recently. I think I told people that FE theory would explode some time ago.
