Pssh... Okay, Boomer.

Just read what this hateful, racist, transphobic jerk dared to say about woke culture!


  1. I' be a lot more receptive and supportive, but for his casting stones all over the place when he was President. Recall Obama saying about the Cambridge police that they "acted stupidly"? I do. Or when he threw gas on the fires of public opinion, saying of Trayvon Martin “this could have been my son”? How about his "bitter clingers" comment? That was straight up stone throwing. There was "Argue and get in their face", and "we need to punish our enemies (our domestic political opponents)"? This was a real gem- "If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun," Obama said in Philadelphia- "Because from what I understand, folks in Philly like a good brawl. I’ve seen Eagles fans".

    Yeah, this message would sound a lot more sincere if he called his own past behavior out.

  2. You actually failed to notice the difference between those comments and this one, douglas. In those comments, he was targeting people he didn't agree with. In these recent ones, he's decrying targeting people on HIS side. See, it's okay to hold your opponents in contempt for failing to live up to your stated values, it's not okay to hold your allies in contempt for the same failing. Simple, n'est-ce pas?

  3. Oui, c’est vrai, mon ami.

  4. DLSly1:03 PM

    Hmmmm.....sincerity from Xerxes....let's go to the scorecard:
    Speaking about himself -- Nope
    Speaking about his legacy -- Nope
    Speaking about his...anything -- Nope

    Sincerity level -- Negative Zero

    Or, basically, SSDD.
    Aaand,coinkadinkally, the sum of all his parts.
    Rounded up.

  5. "Oui, c’est vrai, mon ami."

    Important note, I don't actually speak French. My father and sister do, but for me German, Russian, and Arabic were plenty.
