Nacho candidate

From the Bee:
U.S.—Presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke has announced he is dropping out of the presidential race so that he can spend more time taking guns away from his family. “I’ve been so focused on grabbing the guns of strangers,” O’Rourke told the press, “that I’ve neglected taking away the guns of those closest to me.”

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar7:31 AM

    The harvest is about ready, the time to separate the wheat from the chaff, and for people to see the rewards or not of what they have sowed.

    If you want to go with the dark forces, become near Rasputin and Genghis Khan, gain divine power, even though it is torturing your fellow other/selves.

    If you want to go with the Leftist alliance and Deep State, then polarize to the Left hand path (electrical negative).

    If that is your goal for the harvest, then become invested in the political infighting of Red vs Blue, study Alinsky, his teacher Satan, or Clinton tactics, and don't get tired of winning. Only by winning through becoming better at Leftist tactics than the Left ever was, can you win easily. You will win another 75,000 years of cycle time with the Leftist alliance, on another world and place reserved for you (mansions).

    If you want to enter a better place, subjectively, one of the 3 layers of heaven, then you must polarize and become 51% or greater towards the Right hand path, service to other/self.

    Those that control the controllers of the Deep State, have a rather long term strategic goal. One that makes little sense to human politics and in fighting.
