Another Good Guy with a Gun

According to USAToday:

DUNCAN, Oklahoma – Three people were killed Monday in a shooting outside a Walmart that ended when a bystander pointed a gun at the shooter, police and a witness said.


Duncan resident Aaron Helton, an Army veteran, said he was at the Walmart at about 9:45 a.m. local time when he heard nine shots and saw the gunman, gun in hand. Another man walked up, put a pistol to the gunman’s head and told him to stop shooting, Helton said.

Helton said he saw the gunman was turning the gun on himself and looked away. Police did not immediately confirm reports that the shooter took his own life.
But the shooter is dead.

This will be chalked up by many (such as OK State Rep. Forrest Bennett (D)) as another example of gun violence, which it is, but it will not be chalked up by many of the same people as another example of armed citizens stopping murderers.


  1. They never wanted to stop gun violence, just disarm their enemies.

    We are not to them opponents, but enemies.

  2. Anyone else hear the voice of Pip from "A Nice Place to Visit" when they read this?

  3. ymarsakar9:41 AM

    Helton said he saw the gunman was turning the gun on himself and looked away. Police did not immediately confirm reports that the shooter took his own life.

    Way too many MK ultra assassin conditioning hints there. Monarch. Phoenix. 1 to 5. They never stopped. Does anybody even know what I am talking about... probably not if they get their info from the media.
