Unclear on the concept

Sure, free speech is important, says the Chinese TV network, but everything has common-sense limits:
"We believe any remarks that challenge national sovereignty and social stability do not belong to the category of free speech,” the network said.


  1. "Well, we DO believe that they belong in that category. So f*** off, slaver."

    Apologies to the Hall, but this stuff REALLY pushes my buttons.

  2. Sadly, Jesse Watters could probably get 90% of the ignorant Millennials he interviews to agree with that statement.

  3. ymarsakar8:50 AM

    There was a backlash flamer commenter that replied to me on a PJ media article comment thread.

    He said that because of my "ratio" that he knew what I was, some kind of trash not worthy of consideration.

    I asked what this "ratio" argument was, as I am unfamiliar with it. He said the number of my comments on Disqus vs the number of likes I got.

    Hahah. You Westerners... I told him he got triggered too easily, but the rest of the comments talking about fake conservative totalitarians, only appeared to the audience, as he had said he would block me.

    The State when it blocks you, watch for that ; )

  4. ymarsakar8:53 AM

    I had wondered if this was the infamous veritable fake conservative or fake SJWrong.

    They were defending against me by attacking me Alinsky style, to "defend" something about Trum being competent.

    Oh that might work against SJ Wrongs but against Ymar...

    The tribal knee jerk circle the wagon defense is strong, even at Sarah Hoyt's comment section. That's because many people live in fear. It is why the angels have to constantly repeat, "fear not". Humans are full of fear, of each other, of the divine, of anything and everything.

    They are lower order animals seeking a more divine substance that they feel unworthy of.

  5. We have plenty here who would sign on to that "social stability" part, though they prefer different phrasing. It's part of the "Free Speech doesn't include Hate Speech" claim.

    If you call a tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have?
    No, it still has four legs, because no matter what you call it a tail is not a leg.
