The Flynn case keeps making me angrier

Flynn's new counsel is tearing the prosecutors up with demands for copies of exculpatory documents.  They should be terrified of this woman.


  1. Flynn may be that rare case in which the defendant ends up having the case thrown out, while the prosecutors end up in jail. So I fervently hope.

  2. Yaassss........our FBI, inspiring trust from Teh Peeples!!

  3. Sydney Powell is not just formidable, she's also fun to watch when she's working.

  4. ymarsakar12:19 AM

    Michael's host of heaven would like to clear out the corruption but there are certain limits. Which may soon be removed.

    Until then, individual representatives can call down fire support.

  5. I think it was six months or so ago that Lee Smith in Tablet advanced the theory that the op against Flynn was the ur-Russian Hoax. I think that was Codevilla's point, too, when he said that the Trump-Russia connection was just supposed to be chum in the rumor mill and an extension of the attack on Flynn once he signed on with Trump, and then the whole thing spiraled out of control after Hillary lost. I didn't believe Smith then but this has persuaded me to change my mind.

    Like Clapper said in his "I was only following orders" interview, there was going to be a report for the 'incoming Administration' to use, meaning of course, Hillary.

  6. There is a lot more to follow.

    Apparently James Baker (FEEB) has flipped--but what he can give up is only a very small part of the game. The Flynn investigation into CIA/NSA/Mil-Intel abuses and spending will be far more interesting over time.

  7. Dad29, I've seen a lot of speculation about flippers. Small fry like Lisa Page have been mentioned, and seem logical. I would not be surprised if Ron Rosenstein has flipped, to one degree or another, as well. I think he was pretty shook by the "I'll wear a wire" story coming out, and then he stayed on after Barr took over and even confirmed the no obstruction finding from the Mueller report. It could be that like Andrew McCarthy at NRO he's been persuaded by evidence of wrongdoing on the part of his former colleagues. Clapper doesn't give the impression of somebody willing to take a bullet for anybody, unlike Susan McDougal did for Clinton. He's already signaling that he's willing to talk about what he was told to do.

  8. Ymar Sakar9:06 AM

    Ask mcveigh, atlanta bombing, ruby ridge fam, waco 1, waco 2 massacre what FBI framing is

  9. Ymar Sakar9:10 AM

    Americans turned their backs on fellow patriotic loyalists. Now find they cannot punch out of p sack vs deep s. Sighs.

    Unify and hold the line. Not fall for divorce divorce conquer like with waco. Fred fed feed crocodiles first =loss
