Riding Report

Saw another bear today, smaller than the last one. Classic shape and colors, black with a tan muzzle. I'd estimate 225-250 pounds, whereas I think the fellow from the Mexican restaurant was north of 350.

The light and the color of the leaves today was as fine as I've ever seen it. You get a real sense of verticality riding up and down these mountain roads, as you see ridges that you then descend in amongst, or rise back out of again. The weather was warm enough to ride without gloves, though as the afternoon lengthened I added a long-sleeved shirt.

Good day.

Wolf Lake.


  1. A warm day there! This morning the temp here was 31 F, clear and frosty. With sun getting low, the long oblique light really seems to pop colors and textures.
    Also had a nocturnal bear encounter, the bird feeder pole was bent to the ground and the suet gone.

  2. ymarsakar9:05 AM

    For the last six months or so, your emotional heart has settled down, Grim, compared to what it was like in 2016 or 2017.

    While you don't like certain current events, there is less of that confusion/betrayal factor going on, as you have gotten used to that feeling.

    Welcome to the world ; ) Even though it is not real but an illusion/simulation.

    A good progress overall. At least you haven't fallen into using Alinsky to beat Alinsky, using Satan to beat Leftist SJWrongs, the way other conservatives have.

  3. Raven,

    The light is golden in October here, prettiest light of the year. It really does a lot to highlight the amazing autumn color.


    Thank you, I think. My father died in August of 2016, and it has certainly changed the world I live in more than I could have expected. Perhaps, as you say, I'm getting used to the world I live in without him.

  4. ymarsakar6:54 PM

    I think that was only part of it, although I can only see surface negative or position emotions, I do not know what caused them. It was obvious to me that you weren't taking the recent 2015-2016 revelations about a Deep State well.

    That was the double hit, perhaps.

    I know way too much about Satan and what is going on in this world, but at least for individuals, I can still talk like a normal person about regular stuff.

  5. ymarsakar7:00 PM


    I found that book to be quite useful and also accurate (as verified by my intel sources).

    Also, no, Ymar does not get his ideas from human researchers ; ) This was mere verification or second witness type effect.

    Death is a natural result of life, but only for mortals. For those that understand the greater plan, death is a mere delay in meeting again. There is no Separation as envisioned by hierarchical religions. There is a difference in spiritual maturity and power, but not a difference in contact status.

    The Divine realms have something better and more useful than heaven, and a C4 system far better than social media facebook.

  6. Wow, that's gorgeous. I wish we had more color change here, but at least we have one big tree on our property that changes color and drops leaves.
