Outdoor Life Reviews

A fellow who says he'd like to be called JRS wrote to ask to have his blog linked, which I've done under 'Other Halls.' It's not a traditional blog, actually, but a website that collects his reviews of various things related to outdoor life. I looked over his knife reviews and they seemed well-ordered. Likely the others are as well, but judge for yourselves.

1 comment:

  1. Ymar Sakar11:33 AM

    Hidden ANTARCTICA: Highest Continent on Flat Earth [Taboo Conspiracy ii, GLOBEBUSTERS]

    Speaking of the outdoors, your link to the light cosmic 20 down i had remembered, so got one recently. It is quite compact. The popup tent was not but that is for a car or sled to haul.

    Antarctica. Greatest unexplored outdoor yet. The video does a good job of detailing the task, with a few good references to admiral byrd, which the us navy should recognize. Too bad we cannot send a carrier there as before.
