
The Durham inquiry into the Russiagate conspiracy turns into a formal criminal investigation -- of the investigators of the Russiagate conspiracy.

My faith in the Department of Justice is not so very great that I have high hopes here, but I certainly long to see justice done in this matter. Good hunting, but be transparent and open with the people, and let the chips fall where they may.


  1. but be transparent and open with the people

    In this case I am inclined to think Durham and Barr should continue in the same quiet path they have been treading, until such time as they have completed their work.

  2. ymarsakar9:01 AM

    I am more interested in the human shenanigans that happened with christianity.

  3. Durham has a long history and a solid gold reputation for going after powerful and well-connected people of either party, with no shenanigans and no sleaze in his techniques. He gets results the old-fashioned fair way.
