Bee Stings

Survey Finds More People Would Support Impeachment If They Knew What Crime Trump Was Supposed To Have Committed

Nation's Murderous Psychopaths Undecided On Whether They’ll Follow New Gun Laws

Study: AC/DC's 'Highway To Hell' More Theologically Accurate Than 96% Of Modern Worship Songs


  1. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Alas, I have some doubts as to whether the third one is really satire. Although I have a broad Calvinist streak, so I'm probably a little biased. :)


  2. ymarsakar2:18 AM

    Sometimes I read my intel briefings and sources and think I am reading fantasy and science fiction. But that's mostly a subconscious and humorous attempt to take issues less seriously.

    There's a lot of factions fighting. Far beyond what most people recently found out via the Deep State.

    More factions than even I can keep track of. Needs a software simulation to make it easier.
