Bee Stings

Radical, Far-Right Library Just Has Books, No Drag Queens

The following line alone is worth reading the whole thing for:

... said Xyle Parson while waving a sign that said, "Love Wins and If You Don't Like It You Can Die in a Fire."
Related: 'Love Trumps Hate!' Screams Protester While Beating Republican To Death With A Shovel

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar8:56 AM

    There is no winning or losing in the Source of Divine Love.

    The Prodigal son story is interesting in that sense. Why did the other son feel slighted for being treated less than the returning son?

    In a sense, this story isn't about the prodigal son, the fatted calf (feast worth thousands), or the patriarch. It's about the bitter guy who ostensibly did all his duties as expected of him.
