To Be At All Times Armed

An essay on the right of revolution at Human Events, which begins happily with a story from the Heimskringla's account of Sweden's abortive war against Norway's St. Olav.


  1. ymarsakar4:12 PM

    Most Americans have this pov that the revolutionaries are a bit too extreme and that they should go shoot up a bank and be the first one to charge out if they think themselves so well versed in the martial arts.

    My point is that civil war is inevitable due to factionalism. It is not about someone choosing to go out guns blazing or not. It's not a tactical or strategic choice. It's inevitable, as decreed by the fate of the heavens. Not something human superpowers can contest.

    Even if the highest realms can avoid civil war... the lower realms cannot. So the advice is still cognizant and useful and applicable, to some even if it does not cover all.

    Everyone in a civil war is not fighting. The Confederate slave master aristos were given immunity to serving in the war front.

    Because civil war is a matter of fate and not a matter of choice, it is not based upon people being war mongers or being tactically foolish. It's about the inevitable conclusion of things. Things that happen outside of your limited temporal human control.

  2. ymarsakar4:25 PM

    Meanwhile, neurosurgeon died, did a Jesus, and is now looking into reincarnation and spiritual affairs.

    This is worth looking into for those that want to know where Marianne Williamson and the New Age spirit crowd is coming from. But need people with doctorates (not a Ymar) to tell them what is what.

    For people that don't care either way... well, nothing to it then.

  3. ymarsakar7:41 AM

    He has a good over view of when the social contract goes bye bye.

    There's a lot of weird things that go on in conspiracy land. But unlike others, I don't look away, as it is just a subset of human (or in this case American) behavioral antics.

    One cannot see the truth and analyze the strategies of all the factions, when the analyst cannot look at something for fear of (X).
