Never Go Full "1984"

Drudge is leading with some reports today that suggest the administration is considering some radical moves. One of the links is to Infowars, so this may be over the top reporting; but it's worth underlining just how bad an idea it is.


  1. He's learning from his conversations with Xi Jinping......

  2. ymarsakar11:43 AM

    I guess satire is the first step and advent to an online guerilla psych war.

  3. ymarsakar11:46 AM

    Trum's a Demoncrat. Who has that clip of him saying "take the guns away first, then worry about due process. The police need to take the guns away, I don't care if they have the right to or not".

    Haha. Demoncrats, always the same. They never change. And trying to get me to "support" Demoncrat Presidents that just happen to run on the Republican Red Ticket is... pretty ridiculous.

    Just because somebody's politics benefit me doesn't mean I am dumb enough to ignore their Alliance, Secret Combination, and SSP Deep State connections.

    It also means that even if I don't like someone's politics, like Marianne Williamson, I have my own private criteria of who is who and what is what, as a Son of God.
