Tulsi Hits Hard

Far and away my least-favored candidate in this election is Kamala Harris, for exactly the reasons that Tulsi Gabbard brings to bear. Senator Harris is manifestly willing to abuse police powers and robustly violate the rights of American citizens. No one should be willing to entrust her with command of the vast array of police powers that would be available to her as President.

Good for Tulsi. She had a good night some of the time, but keeps tripping up on foreign policy -- her allegedly strong suit. It's a known issue that she's friendly with Assad, but last night she also made a wild claim that President Trump somehow 'supports al Qaeda.' You'd have to be reaching for a pretty metaphorical sort of 'support' for that to be true, e.g., he 'supports' them by being such a bugbear that he's useful as a recruiting tool. Even if so, we've heard that argument before from Barack "Hussein" Obama's team, and his shining example of American tolerance did not in fact serve to reduce al Qaeda or ISIS recruiting power. Obama did kill a lot of people, though; I'm not accusing him of being 'an al Qaeda supporter' either. I'm just pointing out that even the most generous reading of this argument is silly, at this point, given the empirical evidence.

But crushing Sen. Harris? Magnificent.


  1. Congresswoman Gabbard (D, HI) "clarified" her claim in an after-action interview with Fox News; the moderators having given her no chance to expand on her claim in real time. It seems Trump supports Al Qaeda through the mechanism of supporting Saudi Arabia in Yemen, where the Saudis apparently are working with an Al Qaeda subsidiary in their common opposition to Iran in that ill-treated strip of land.

    Gabbard had no answer to follow-up questions amounting to whether we ought to be supporting Saudi Arabia at all as the only serious counterweight to Iran in the Middle East.

    She's always hung her foreign policy "expertise" on her time in a medical unit in Iraq.

    Regarding her personal ethics, the Army has had to correct her twice for apparently accidentally pairing images of her in uniform with her political campaigns.

    She also has an Army Achievement Medal with an Oak Leaf Cluster. I rejected such an award from the USAF when I was in Germany as a decoration for doing one's job that no officer should accept. An Achievement Medal might be something to think about awarding a top-drawer basic training soldier/airman/seaman/marine on graduation. Nothing more.

    Eric Hines

  2. I want to like her...she's the only serious Dem candidate who seems like they might possibly actually be SANE...but she keeps messing it up.

  3. Among the options on parade, I do like Tulsi.

    When polled, I promise to tell the pollsters about my preference for "Mary Ann Williams" , that nice lady who doesn't talk so mean.

  4. Harris generally appears to be her own worst enemy. I don't think she's made a single substantive statement that she didn't spend the next three days walking back, from flip-flop-flipping on the impact of her health care plan to backing away from busing after attacking Biden.
