Joe Bob Briggs: Where's the Apology for the Ghostbusters Remake?

A Chinese director makes the mistake of apologizing.

If this is now a thing, he notes, other apologies are very much due.
Okay, your turn, Marcus Nispel. I didn’t say a word when you remade the greatest movie in the history of the world, The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,... [b]ut Conan the Barbarian is a different matter. You should be hauled into court and forced to repay every cent of that $110 million, and Jason Momoa should be required to bring you clean socks every day should you fall behind and get sentenced to Fantasy Remake Jail, but I’ll settle for a lengthy humiliating public apology. This would not include any remarks about what you were trying to do. If you utter the words “the art of Frank Frazetta” at any moment, you will be executed.
It's true that the 2011 Conan was definitely not up to the standards of the 1982 classic, to say nothing of the books.


  1. I'm gonna say it, and darn the consequences. I never liked the Arnold Conan. It strayed very far from the source material; tried to be everything but Robert E. Howard. I actually liked the 2011 movie better in that respect -- it felt like a Howard story to me (though a second viewing confirmed many weaknesses in the film itself).

    So sue me.

  2. I won't sue you. You're not wrong that the 1982 Conan presents a Conan who is quite different from the books'. I love it anyway, especially for the music, but also for much of the beautifully sparse dialogue.

    "Dinner for wolf."

    "This you can trust."

    "Civilization, Ancient and Wicked... let's waste no time!"

    "And always, there was the discipline of steel."
