Great Moments in American Rhetoric

And that wasn't even the craziest moment that happened in our political discourse today.

As for yesterday, it turns out that "#MassacreMitchMcConnell" is supposed to be a nickname rather than a set of instructions. Like "Cocaine Mitch," only "Massacre Mitch." If you thought they were actually inciting violence instead, you were mistaken (although the one protester at his house calling for him to be stabbed in the heart may have aided your confusion).

I thought the Kavanaugh hearings were going to be a high-water mark for wild-eyed craziness. Apparently they were just getting warmed up.


  1. If Trump wins in 2020 with a slim majority of the popular vote... Katie, bar the door!

  2. raven9:44 AM

    As the man said, you ain't seen nothin' yet.
    The left is going full cultural revolution on us.

  3. The left is going full cultural revolution on us.

    Nothing cultural about it. The Left, led by their Progressive-Democratic Party, are going full revolution.

    Just look at the politicizing their Presidential candidates are doing right now--fund-raising off the mass murders will the blood was still wet on the ground, trading on the bodies and the victims' survivors' grief to make personal political hay.

    After Trump's visit to Dayton today, Sherrod Brown was shrill in his call for more gun control and his linking the mental health aspects to plusing up Medicare and preserving Obamacare. Not a word of commiseration with or for those victims' survivors or the injured still in hospital.

    Elections do, indeed, matter.

    Eric Hines

  4. "Cultural Revolution" in the Chinese sense.

  5. Great answer byt Adams. I never think of things like that quickly enough.

  6. "Cultural Revolution" in the Chinese sense.

    Yes. AOC's commentary on 'white supremacy' shows that she's aiming at something very like Maoist re-education and self-criticism for the whole American society.

    These are dangerous waters. I don't even dislike the young lady; I'm sure she has some excellent qualities, such as the willingness to go knock on doors and ask for people's votes directly. That's the way things are supposed to be done in our Republic. That said, she's aiming for a dangerous place.

  7. Ymar Sakar6:28 PM

    When the sons of god descend soon, the left will not be much left....

  8. Ymar Sakar6:32 PM

    Dont worry about the left. They are just distractions.

  9. "Great answer byt Adams. I never think of things like that quickly enough."

    So you're saying you often have what the French refer to as "l'esprit d'escalier", or thinking of the perfect response too late- 'as you're heading up the stairs to bed'?

    I love that phrase, though not the fact it also applies to me often.

  10. Whoa, that is indeed a bit concerning, Grim. I just got back from two weeks+ in Hungary, and one place we visited was Memento Park, where they have a bunch of the old Soviet era statues on display, and a couple great exhibits about the statues and 1956, and life under communism. One quote, from a dissident who had been in a camp really struck me- (and I paraphrase from memory) 'I thanked God every day that I was one of the imprisioned, and not one of the guards, who were morally bereft'.

  11. Well said. But better still to have died fighting; and better still to have won fighting, which you cannot do if you do not fight.
