Fake News Today

MS: "List: Lines from The Princess Bride that Double as Comments on Freshman Composition Papers."

BB: "Bernie Sanders Arrives In Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On How Good They Have It Under Communism."

DB: "Guam Finally Capsizes."

TO: "School Administration Reminds Female Students Bulletproof Vests Must Cover Midriff."

Cf. this video:

As The Onion reminds us, there's some female agency involved in all this.


  1. Gringo9:04 PM

    "Bernie Sanders Arrives In Hong Kong To Lecture Protesters On How Good They Have It Under Communism."

    Recall that Bernie told us proles what was really happening in Cuba.“The people we met had an almost religious affection for [Fidel Castro]. The revolution there is far deep and more profound than I understood it to be. It really is a revolution in terms of values."

    Which indicates that Bernie could actually say what the Babylon Bee tells us is a parody of Bernie.

    Yes, he really did say that. He was interviewed in the Burlington Free Press in 1989.

  2. Sadly, I believe he really is a Communist.

  3. Gringo9:56 PM

    NOT the Babylon Bee: Bernie Tries To Praise Communist China, Accidentally Praises Capitalism.
    "China is a country that is moving unfortunately in a more authoritarian way in a number of directions," Sanders told Hill.TV's Krystal Ball. "But what we have to say about China in fairness to China and it's leadership is if I'm not mistaken they have made more progress in addressing extreme poverty than any country in the history of civilization, so they've done a lot of things for their people."

    What Sanders did not acknowledge was that free-market principles are what allowed China to lift millions of its citizens out of poverty. Forbes reports:

    Say no more.

  4. ymarsakar11:47 PM

    Pillars of Eternity's reshaping of the female cuirass is probably more armor angle wise correct and practical.
