
The famous Mars rover has been in place for seven years. Here are some things it's found.


  1. From the nature of the imagery and self portraits, it's also been hard to appreciate just how dinky the rover is, too:
    9.5 ft long, 9 ft wide, and 7 ft tall.

    That would fit in my family room. And those 21km, 13mi, would be good for a skosh over two round trips to my daughter's house. 'Course, I can make those trips in somewhat less time than Curiosity. 'Course, 'course, I take somewhat more direct routing, too, than has Curiosity, with fewer delays enroute.

    Eric Hines

  2. Ymar Sakar6:39 PM

    Haha. If anyone believes that rover has been functioning that long on that obsolete battery tech... they need a basic course in battery tech.

  3. Ymar Sakar6:44 PM

    They finally realized fake news could only carry a battery 15 years before it was time to retire it in an accident. This nuke powered car battery is just good enough.

  4. "...hard to appreciate just how dinky the rover is..."
    Funny you put it that way. There is a full scale mock up of the rover that JPL has from developmetn, and it's been on display here in L.A. a few times. The reaction most people have on seeing it is that it's HUGE. They're thinking a remote control car is like the size of a breadbox or on the scale of the ones bomb techs use- not the scale of a compact car.
