War of Words

Almost all Democrats, but also a majority of Republicans, think heated rhetoric in our politics may provoke violence. Empirical evidence supports this. There was a terrorist attack last week in Tacoma in which a prominent American politician's heated language was cited verbatim by the attacker. As Instapundit's site points out regularly, that wasn't the first time.

So far the rhetoric hasn't cooled, but perhaps it will.


  1. ymarsakar12:44 AM

    Rhetoric killed more than its fair share in 1830s America. That was 30 years before Civil War 1 fired the first shot for wahtever reason.

    The pattern is the same. WW1 to WW2. CW1 to CW2. Unresolved issues. Nationalistic narratives that didn't turn out to be accurate.

  2. ymarsakar12:47 AM

    To what end, we don’t know. But it is certain that we will find out in the coming years.

    I could have told you that 10 years ago, article author san. And you get paid to write articles like that? Heh.
