
From Instapundit:
A few, a very few, have begun to realize that Podesta and Hillary’s polarization game (“Deplorables!”) has contaminated — and possibly rendered toothless — Democratic politics for years to come. It was only a matter of time until they began to use this tactic on each other.


  1. Yes, but Pelosi was the first one to jump back on that wagon as soon as Trump offered her a ticket.

  2. This isn't nearly the first time the Dems have played this game successfully, and moved the Overton Window to the left every time. Like calling Republicans Nazis, this infighting and triangulation goes back years. Bill Clinton's celebrated 'Sister Soulja' moment was the same tactic Pelosi (via the House Dem Caucus) tried against AOC's chief of staff. The difference is largely that before Trump the GOP could be relied upon to take a big step to the left in order to link arms with the 'sane' Democrats.

  3. I don't think it will hurt the Democrats much. They do this every once in a while. It's not like their voters remember or anything.

  4. I don't expect any change in the Dem tactics, but I do see signs that the cattleprod isn't working well these days on Reps or Inds.
