Presidential Primary Updates

Arguably the worst candidate, Swalwell, bowed out today. So that's good. He will not be missed.

However, there's at least as good an argument that Kamala Harris is really the worst one -- and certainly she is the worst one remaining. It's not just people on the right who think so. Truthout has a big piece on her and her "record of injustice" today.

Tulsi Gabbard hit back at Harris for her deceptive practices today. That's good too.


  1. Iowahawk had, I think, an excellent response to Swalwell's quitting:

    As God is my witness, I thought "Nuke Oklahoma" was a winning campaign issue
    — David Burge (@iowahawkblog) July 8, 2019

    Lots of others have hit him on his nuke 'em campaign promise.

    Eric Hines

  2. ymarsakar7:55 PM

    Sister Marianne W is the closest you will ever get to see what happens when Ymar runs for President.
