Politicians Need Chaperones

Male ones, at least, if meeting with unaccompanied female reporters.

Actually, a chaperone for politicians is a plausible idea. Instead of being there to prevent sexual harassment allegations, however, how about making them keep an ordinary American around to smack them every time they try to implement socialism?


  1. I'd volunteer for that job. Sounds like fun.

  2. I agree with the need for a chaperone: no one should be alone with a member of the NLMSM without his own chaperone and recording devices.

    Eric Hines

  3. Call it the Rielle Hunter rule.


    It is sad that to protect themselves, civilized men of the West mimic the customs of barbarians of the Middle East.

  4. She really did have an affair with a politician, though, right? I mean, it's not like Edwards was an innocent who was wrongfully accused via absent chaperones.

  5. ymarsakar12:16 AM

    Japan still have chaperones. The traditional ways are not quite as barbaric as people were made to believe by fake news.

    I can understand the journalist's view point that this is sexism. But I can also understand that journalist trying to "gotcha" Jordan Peterson.

    It is somewhat ironic though. They don't really understand what the problem is.

    They are trying to warp and poison their yin feminine energies, by trying to create a kind of fake yang power that is masculine and "power based winning".

  6. ymarsakar12:21 AM

    Here's the gist of it. Modern women think they are competing as "equals" with men. They are not.

    They are yin energy that has been jury rigged to behave as yang energy. It's like a piece of ice is being used as a heating source for food.

    It's yin vs yang, feminine vs masculine, potential energy vs kinetic energy, cold vs hot.

    They were taught that to be women or to be successful women, they have to beat men at their own game, the game of yang. This is like Vietnam thinking it has to beat America at its own game by producing more tanks and bombs.

    Asymmetrical warfare is what exists between incompatible energies.

    Women will lose against men if they try to compete directly, so the only way they can be competitive against men is by using female yin powers, the corrosive variety that is corrupt and toxic to the extreme, an enemy of the Divine Purpose and plan.

    Feminine toxicity vs Masculine toxicity = American toxicity and spiritual decay.

    It's like an electrician thinking he doesn't need a plus and a minus in a circuit, or a ground. He can use tie together a whole bunch of yin negative leads together, and it will form a circuit if he keeps connecting resistors, capacitors, batteries, and power sources, negative to negative leads, and the circuit will somehow magically work. It doesn't work. What will happen is that it eventually it blows up when it can't ground itself.

  7. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I cannot meet with a student in a closed room unless 1) more than two other students are present, 2) another faculty member is present. Otherwise, the classroom door is open, the student and I are both in view of the open door at all times, and we sit facing eachother, not side-by-side.

    I have applied the "never alone unless in a public venue" rule since I was a teen. It's served me well this far. It's just now I do it to protect my male associates more than to preserve my own reputation.


  8. I was a little sympathetic to her discrimination claim until she made the comment "What you are saying here" (always a red flag) "is that a woman is a sexual object first and a reporter second." He never said anything like that and his position in no way implies this. It is a manipulative, dishonest statement on her part.

    If all candidates were required to grant 15-hour ridealongs, then they would have to budget for the possibility that the reporters were sometimes going to be female. But this is her request, based on what she thinks her readers will be interested in.
