Millennial Nuns

I'm going to follow AVI in linking to this piece on the sudden, unexpected rise of vocation-seeking among America's youth. It probably shouldn't be surprising; there's a kind of cyclical flow to these things, with periods of disenchantment reliably followed by periods of intense faith. Philosophers wrongly talk about the Enlightenment as one long disenchantment, forgetting the Great Awakening of the 19th century that brought the end of slavery in the West among the heartfelt singing of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. For that matter, they tend to forget -- as do most -- that the craze for burning witches was not a feature of the High Middle Ages, when faith was triumphant. It was the age of science that brought witch-burning.

Still, it is good to see young hearts full of faith. It gives me joy to look upon it.


  1. ymarsakar6:28 AM

    If anyone can bring a human organization perveted by power and corruption back into the Divine mission and light, it is the Divine Counsel of spirit guides, star constellation soul groups, personal angel/gods. The Almighty delegates tasks to those spirits most capable of it. Most people who receive a voice of guidance are receiving a direct intervention from their guides and their personal gods, even their Higher Self.

  2. ymarsakar6:31 AM

    Most modern Westerners only see the public record of witch burnings. The private Vatican Inquisition records were recently opened but also burned/purged when they opened it.

    The funny thing about organizations like Nazi Germany is the meticulous amount of records they keep. Which becomes a problem later on when the times and powers change hands.

    One of the reasons people know about Jean De Arc and Socrates' trial is because their enemies put them into record, sometimes twice with De Arc's re trial.
