Don't Tempt Me

'Making fun of members of Congress should be prosecuted,' says Congresswoman. She actually seems to believe that it might already be against the law to do so.


  1. Gringo4:18 PM

    If members of Congress don't like being made fun of, they shouldn't make ridiculous statements.

    Interesting how she begins with "making fun of members of Congress.." and then says you cannot "intimidate...threaten." Rather thin-skinned, there.

  2. Wait, so what were those protesters confronting Jeff Flake in the elevator doing last year? They were heroes, I thought.

  3. ymarsakar4:51 PM

    People make fun of me all the time.

    I'm in good company. I like to tell them this is how the Pharisees felt when some guy off the side of the road started proclaiming himself divine.

    I called it, dark horse. Get yall some popcorn. It'll be a ride.

  4. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Poor dears. Don't ever let them watch "My Fellow Americans," starring Jack Lemmon and James Garner.

    Bless their hearts.


  5. An excellent movie, Valerie. I don’t think this is a big fakade, though.

  6. "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm, and three or more is a Congress."

    John Adams

  7. If it's against the law to make fun of congresspeople, it must be super-double against the law to make fun of the president!

  8. Frederica Wilson is the canonical example.

    She gets respect the same way honest Americans do--their action. She doesn't get a scintilla of respect just because she thinks she's special.

    Eric Hines

  9. Indeed. Respect is earned, in part by showing due respect to others. The citizen is the American office in which the sovereign power reposes. A Congressperson assumes what is formally a lower office, even if it exercises greater power.

  10. People are trying to answer her with logic. I'm not sure that's appropriate in her case. Or her constituents, apparently.
