Don't Be Ridiculous

They're being ridiculous.
One of the arresting officers at yesterday's #NeverAgainAction can be seen sporting a Molon Labe tattoo, a prominent slogan of contemporary fascism.
1) Those kids are only being arrested because they want to be arrested. It's a form of protest, probably negotiated with the police in advance to ensure they will receive light or dropped charges, good treatment, and short stays in detention that can be used as bragging rights as demonstrators.

2) "Molon Labe" as a sentiment is opposed to overbearing governments; I take it to mean that this officer is refusing to enforce gun control laws he might see as unconstitutional. That's the opposite of fascism, when even the actual officers of the state posit limits to state authority they would refuse.


  1. Since you know the origin of the phrase, you are ........intellectually challenged......according to the Jewish Twitter-person.


  2. I had no idea I was promulgating a prominent slogan of contemporary fascism. Imagine my remorse. Go ahead, just try.

    Honestly, this stuff affects me the way people used to when they announced that popular records played backwards revealed membership in a Satanic cult. Next they'll be checking my scalp for 666 tattoos under my hair.

  3. ymarsakar9:46 AM

    Branding id numbers on your skin so that Facebook can more easily recognize you as a High Value Target... is not necessarily a good idea.

    I told people here and elsewhere that Facebook is pretty much the same as an open source intel gathering tool before. Some realized it was like Iraq's intel system for gathering HVTs as well.

    So if there are HVTs, who is going to JDAM them? The President? The Congress? The IRS? The Deep State? Islamic Jihadists employed by the DS? ISIL employed by the PResident or by the State Department of Traitors? Who will be ordered to stand down and let the HVTs die this time?

    Alphabet and Amazon declares "Send ME"

  4. It doesn't matter what we say. We're labelled evil because they need a bad guy to stoke fear in others and to fight against so they can see themselves as virtuous. That's all.

  5. This does however point to the possible wisdom in departments disallowing full sleeve tattoos.

  6. One ought to allow free expression especially in armed government agents. It'll tell you which ones you should consider inviting to do something else with their lives. I feel like we learned something important about this officer, to whit, that he might be one of the better ones.

  7. Well, that works great when your sheriff is Grim, but alas, that's not the case in most places.
