Yearning for a Brexit without tears

Or more likely, no Brexit at all:
It’s as if after America declared independence in 1776, your Founding Fathers then decided that self-government was just too difficult. Imagine if, instead of getting together in a court house in Philadelphia to hammer out a constitution, George Washington and Ben Franklin instead sent emissaries over to London to ask George III how best to arrange things.
* * *
Broadcasters, particularly those at the BBC, have taken every opportunity to try to delegitimise the referendum result, reporting as fact absurd stories of Russian intervention and implying that those that voted to leave were motivated by nothing more than nativism.
Rather than accept the referendum result as a legitimate expression of the public’s desire for self-determination, the political class has behaved as if it was all a massive mistake made by their social inferiors that now needs correcting.
Russian interference may turn out to be this decade's preferred method of undermining elections.  The Deep State resistance, of course, is old hat.


  1. Interestingly, Franklin did work secretly with the British about how to arrange things. Yet the key word is secretly. If the British government were having secret meetings with the EU about how to best actually exit, everyone would just shrug and say "Well, that's politics and maybe it's for the best." Because it was still a Brexit. This is the opposite - an open attempt to not leave.

  2. Weirdly, 'the Russians' seem reliably to favor the side that was their strongest enemy during the long Cold War; and to reliably oppose the side that was trying to surrender to them the whole time. That's not how I'd be arranging my interference operations, but I suppose it's reverse psychology or something.

  3. ymarsakar10:15 PM

    Russia has their own Deep State.

    The US has the Federal Reserve that controls things from the shadows. Russia has elements of the KGB and the masters of the KGB, which weren't necessarily the commissars or the marxist leaders.

    All the world is a stage and humans mere actors. Once an intel analyst realizes this truth, then they can begin to realize that the fate of nations like Russia and the USA has been tampered with by certain factions.

  4. ymarsakar8:56 AM

    I do recall that Franklin did try to talk to everyone involved and many sought a peaceful resolution. However, the 3% percenters did not want a peaceful conclusion. Some of this was also due to machinations and secret combinations from the Jesuits, Vatican, and other forces in Europe. Follow the money, as they say. The Black General and Black Pope of the Jesuits may have also visited with the Founding Fathers at one time.
