CONFIRMED: David Bellavia to Receive Congressional Medal of Honor

Here's an interview with our old friend, whom you may remember from the BLACKFIVE days. It's not been officially announced, but I know for a fact that it's been in the works for some time. Once the official announcement is made, I'll be eager to congratulate our friend.

UPDATE: The White House's official announcement came out this morning. Congratulations to David Bellavia, a man the old BLACKFIVE crew is proud to know.


  1. Eric Blair9:17 PM

    Very good.

  2. ymarsakar10:34 AM

    When the Divine counsel or another group across the Veil gives out rewards of merit and recognition for valor for those on this side of the Veil, neither the awardee nor their families are informed of this fact.

    It is another case in a series of reversals for how things work on this side of the Veil vs the other side.

  3. ymarsakar10:37 AM

    "I feel honored to be in the same room with you"

    You should be honored to swim with dolphins, but most aren't. Or with the whales.

    A little bit too much "Worship of the State" there. If the State decrees you have honor, then patriots must feel honored to be in the presence of the awardee.... Humans: shrugs
