Pro-Life Views Unconstitutional

Kirsten Gillibrand thinks it's OK for Americans to hold such views, so long as they are never allowed to serve as judges. (She also thinks that 'Separation of Church and State' is a Constitutional requirement, which is a widely held but inaccurate view.)

UPDATE: Or maybe it's porn. I can remember when liberals were pro-porn, but apparently that's changed.


  1. It's what I've been saying for some time: this is freedom of speech under the reign of the Progressive-Democratic Party.

    Biden similarly decries a second Trump administration (paraphrasing, a little): four years of Trump would be looked back on as an aberration. Eight years would fundamentally change America. To which I say, I certainly hope so. It'll take that long and much more to undo the damage the Progressive-Democrats and their Democratic Party forbears have inflicted on our republican democracy over the last 90 years.

    Eric Hines

  2. But it feels like it should be unconstitutional, and that's what counts.

  3. ymarsakar10:19 PM

    Leftists are told never to mention Free Masons along with the Founding Fathers.

    That's a hint. The cliche saying is that society can find out who rules them by discovering who they cannot criticize. But in this modern context, we can discover who controls the Left by finding out who the Left doesn't criticize.
