Mark Knopfler in Italy


  1. I've never heard of him, but I guess I have heard of Dire Straits, of which he proves to be the co-founder.

  2. Yeah, after Dire Straits (and before as well) he did a lot of traditional folk music.

    Some years back he did an album with Chet Atkins, whom I guess you know. It's called "Neck and Neck". I'm still not sure how to link a playlist, but I think this is it. (That may be just the first song.)

  3. Lots of pop stars have a song or two in them and then flame out. Knopfler is someone I'll be happy to listen to in anything he puts together, right up to his last breath. He reminds me a lot of Richard Thompson, a good composer who also has fantastic taste in covers and arrangements.

  4. Huh, Looking around a little, Richard Thompson has appeared in the hall courtesy of Tex a couple of times, but I've never posted my favorite of his. I think you all would enjoy it, I'll have to post it soon.

  5. Grim posted his wonderful "Vincent Black Lighning 1952" a few years ago. What a song.

    I think I pushed his "1000 years of popular music," also well worth the purchase. I'm sorry I'm never gotten to see him live.

    And I'm pretty fond of all the Fairport Convention stuff. There's an unusually rich YouTube collection on this guy.

  6. Vincent Black Lightning 1952 was the one I was thinking of. I thought he had posted it, but couldn't find it with searching. Maybe I'll go ahead and post it again regardless this Friday.
