Gee, I don't know

Why Do Conservatives Hate Oberlin So Much?  You have to admire the chutzpah of Salon's publishing an article with this title that makes no attempt whatever to look at or think about the college's behavior leading to the recent award of $33MM in damages for defamation.


  1. Ironically, the sea-shanty-sing-along-and-grog-fest would be right at home at Grim’s Hall. We do that pretty regularly in these pages.

  2. Wow, the Salon writer was able to find some conservatives out of thousands who got things wrong and seemed not to be listening. Amazing. I guess that just settles it then.

  3. Yeah, seems to me Oberlin could have saved itself $33MM plus attorney's fees (perhaps for both parties!) if it had stuck to some charming sea-shanty parties. I'd enjoy those, too.

  4. From Quillette today, I see that Oberlin's emails included some stuff I'm sure their counsel wish they'd advised them against writing. 'When Roger Copeland, an Oberlin College professor of theater and dance (he is “emeritus” status now) wrote a letter to the campus newspaper soon after the protests ended, criticizing the school’s treatment of Gibson’s, Jones sent a text message in caps that read, “F**K ROGER COPELAND.” “F**k him,” Raimondo agreed in her reply. “I’d say unleash the students if I wasn’t convinced this needs to be put behind us.”' That kind of thing makes it harder to argue the poor administration simply had no way of controlling what their excitable students did.

    I also liked how the students accused the admin of "imperialism, white supremacy, capitalism, ableism, and a cissexist heteropatriarchy." Especially that last one, which I must remember. Down with the cissexist heteropatriarchy!--and other doubleplusungood stuff!
