Crime journalism

This report had to have been turned in by his partner, who's just jacking with him now.


  1. What is the last word? It appears to be "lift", as best I can tell, but I am not certain that I can read it correctly.

  2. Yes. You should be able to Left Click on the image and from the pop-up either Open Link in New Tab/Window or View Image in the current tab. The resulting image is bigger than in OP and that last word becomes readably readable.

    I have to confess that my grasshopperly cynical mind made me wonder initially whether the cop was quite short and "needed" lifts.

    Eric Hines

  3. Yes, the student was taunting him with not having a muscle tone that would be consistent with lifting weights. And some helpful witness duly recorded the taunt in the official record, where a crime-beat reporter could pick it up and publish it straight-faced.

  4. "Do you even lift?" is a meme on fitness / weightlifting sites.

  5. And is often concluded with "..., bro?"
