BB: YouTube Radicalizing People into Conversations

Rubin is just one example of the right-wing extremism that is sucking rabbits and children into the clandestine tornado vortex of YouTube mind control. While he claims to be politically liberal on many issues, he regularly has right-wing guests on his show and doesn't even murder them on the spot. "Rubin films his show in his garage," said Guy Ouifaund who used to work in the covert mind-wiping division at Google and YouTube. "There is no better place to do something sensible, like surprise attack a right-winger with a chainsaw and clean up all the evidence. Instead, he has civil conversations with these people, treating them like human beings."
Honestly, I don't know how people find the time to watch these things, but I can't imagine they're destroying the world.

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar10:32 AM

    The world needs to be destroyed. How else can it be replaced with a New Age, if the Deep State is still here...

    At least the Vikings knew what was up given Ragnarok.
