An Invitation from a Polish MP

A propos a Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D, NY) scurrilous remark and a post below, I offer this from a Polish Member of Parliament.

 It can be seen here, too, if that image isn't blow-up-able:

Ocasio-Cortez won't trouble herself to visit the detention centers on our own border, though, so I doubt she'll do anything more than ridicule this invitation. If she has the grace to respond to it at all.

Eric Hines


  1. Translation: "Take a deep breath and count backwards from twenty by threes."

  2. She herself isn't worth much attention, but the idea is worth discussing. I'm willing to accept that America has in fact built concentration camps at points in our history. But now isn't one of those points, and that's important.

  3. Too, there are concentration camps, and there are concentration camps. The ones FDR established didn't hold Japanese, Italians, and Germans for the purpose of murdering them all. FDR intended to release the lot of them (perhaps less those actual collaborators, of which I know, in hindsight, of none).

    That's a far cry from Hitler's concentration camps.

    The cum laude graduate of Boston College surely knows this.

    Eric Hines

  4. You think so? I'll bet you could find a hundred such graduates who don't without breaking a sweat.

    But I'm not as concerned about what they know -- or don't know -- as about what's true. Our own have done some hard things, like putting the Apache on the reservation in the days of Geronimo. There's reason to criticize what they did, but we benefited from it whether or not we criticize it. And we can't pay back the debt.

    What to do about that?

  5. You think so? I'll bet you could find a hundred such graduates who don't without breaking a sweat.

    No doubt. But as long as those of the Left are going to insist they're so much better, so much smarter, than we are, I'm going to hold them to their standard. If a dumba** like me knows something, of course my Betters have known it all along.

    The question regarding our past, though, relates directly to today's individual cases wherein what a man did when he was a boy, whether two years ago, like a young man disinvited from Harvard admission, or decades ago, that man must be destroyed today--because no one is capable of outgrowing childhood misbehaviors; they must still be that same person today.

    The Left does not believe in rehabilitation, redemption, growth. The debt cannot be repaid, but it must be, through destruction.

    Eric Hines

  6. But I'm not as concerned about what they know -- or don't know -- as about what's true.

    It would be one thing if AOC and her ilk were simply ignorant and knew nothing of Auschwitz. It's an entirely different thing to actively believe not just that America may have done things uncomfortably similar at certain times but that direct equivalence can be drawn between the Nazi camps and our current detention centers.

  7. We can learn lessons from the past and vow to do better, but no one alive did these things to anyone alive. That's a good enough reason right there to conclude that reparations are political fodder, not a serious proposal for redress.

  8. Gringo10:38 PM

    The ones FDR established didn't hold Japanese, Italians, and Germans for the purpose of murdering them all.

    I worked in Latin America with a German national who told me that his uncle spent WW2 in a detention camp in the US. He uncle said detention was a fairly pleasant experience.
