War for Profit

This is a strange cast of characters. Erik Prince makes sense; but Steve Bannon? James O'Keefe in Qatar, working against the impoverished and enslaved Bangladeshis and Pakistani workers?

Of course, it's The Intercept, and their quality is a mixed bag. Some of their stuff is really solid, but this may not prove to be.

1 comment:

  1. ymarsakar10:38 AM

    After years of trying and failing to peddle a sweeping vision of mercenary warfare around the world, Erik Prince was back in the game.

    Talk about bias.

    Of course when freighters hire mercenary heavy weapons teams to protect against pirate Somalian ransom... that's not mercenaries doing the job of the Navy.

    The job of the US Navy is to for maternity leave of the sailors, except they don't have the French/Japanese sailor uniforms for women. The job of the European navies is to have female vs male vs female vs female conflicts where a frigate rams into something and sinks.
