Tipping which way?

The Washington Examiner marshals evidence that voters worldwide are wearying of expensive and unconvincing policies to address climate whatever.  The Guardian finds it equally obvious that we're on the cusp of a worldwide conversion to true belief and deep sacrifice.

Or maybe the sides are just sorting out and we're about to go to war.


  1. The Australian elections provide additional evidence that the Greens aren’t winning — in spite of constant polls suggesting a left victory, as here in 2016 and in the UK for Brexit.

  2. Just a moment ago I updated the post above to that effect! But I meant to put it here.

  3. I have been listening to Patrick Wyman's podcasts on the Wars of the Roses, and have a sad realisation how long people can hang on to a low-probability/high payoff idea. Also, how odd individual victories can change the landscape for what is possible. The Greens have doubled-down on crazy a couple of times already and there is no real advantage in becoming reasonable. They may as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb at this point.

    I dream some brilliant politician in power in the next decade will have the opportunity and see a way to offer them a graceful step-down from crazy, and just enough of them, perhaps 20% will take it and the movement gradually retreat to the fringes. My cynical self expects another doubling-down instead.

  4. Or maybe the sides are just sorting out and we're about to go to war.

    The carbon footprint of my weapons is bigger and more practical for the purpose than the carbon footprint of their whirlygig weapons.

    Eric Hines

  5. ymarsakar9:10 PM

    Humns aren't powerful enough to change the climate on Earth. That wasn't in the Divine Plan.

    When you live in a terrarium, what you do inside is nothing compared to what maintains the system from outside.
