This guy was general counsel for the FBI?

James Baker, former GC for the FBI, is a confused man.  A contributing editor for the website Lawfare, he posted a rambling account of his spiritual conflicts in opposing our dangerous president.  Hatred, he counsels us, hasn't worked, as evidenced by the president's stubbornly steady poll numbers.  Why don't we try love?  By love, he doesn't mean something warm and fuzzy, he means full-throated bold opposition, in the tradition of Martin Luther King.  Maybe that will bring Trump's polls down at last.  Throw in some Dalai Lama, perhaps even lethal force, if spiritually appropriate.  Whatever works.

At the same time, he's troubled by damage to his beloved FBI's reputation.
One of my dearest relatives, who happens to be a supporter of the president, asked me last year, “Jimmy, is everyone at the FBI corrupt?” I was dismayed.
It's possible that Baker, whose mind apparently is more unhinged than wonderfully focused by the prospect of his own hanging, would do well to give both hate and love a pass for now and concentrate on honesty, both internal and external. Some of this swirl of love and hate might come into sharper focus for him.


  1. Throw in some Dalai Lama....

    He should get more focused--he'll bring the wrath of the PRC down on his head.

    Eric Hines

  2. That's not love. His hatred is still apparent.

    It's actually one step closer to evil than he was before.

  3. ymarsakar8:56 AM

    These humans running around like ants as their hives are crushed. Kind of hilarious and pathetic.

    Those of us that helped designed the life form called an ant, from its genetic divine conduit and tesseract dimensional system to its autonomic script programming, did not design your human stupidity and evil.

    That was some other Divine Department apparently.
