Who was really playing footsie with the Russians?

Kim Strassel is doing good reporting on the Steele Dossier, just when Mueller and his fellow-travelers are most desperately trying to cover it with a pillow.  The link is to a HotAir summary, in case you don't want to deal with the WSJ firewall.
How did Mr. Mueller spend two years investigating every aspect of Russian interference—cyberhacking, social-media trolling, meetings with Trump officials—and not consider the possibility that the dossier was part of the Russian interference effort?
Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz and Attorney General William Barr may answer some of the questions Mr. Mueller refused to touch. Thanks to the special counsel we know Republicans weren’t playing footsie with Russians. But thanks to BuzzFeed, we know that Democrats were. America deserves to know how far that interaction extended.
Some more from another good investigative reporter, John Solomon, about the Ukraine-Democrat team.


  1. raven2:23 PM

    Apparently the FISA court is getting a bit upset at being constantly lied to by the fibbers. I think the "conclusion conspiracy theorists" may be wishing they had never started pulling on that rope. It may turn out they got the tail end of a Mamba instead.

  2. I think lying to the FISA court is the lesser problem.

    The larger problem is the existence of this Star Chamber.

    Eric Hines

  3. ymarsakar6:23 AM


    Pretty sure it was always Demoncrats playing treason with Russia. Of course this doesn't include the theory that USA/Russia was allied around WW2, before and after. Yea, after means Cold War +.
