We just want to dip our beak

Well, it's a small encouragement that it took four or five days instead of four of five hours, but the WaPo does deliver.  (The link, however, is to HotAir, no worries.)  "If you can afford to help the Cathedral, stop telling us you can't afford to solve the 'social emergency.'"  Never give to support the things that are important to you!  Always give to support the things that are important to me!  And above all, never ask ME to give.


  1. It's along the lines of an interview Martha MacCallum, of Fox News, conducted with a stinking rich businessman (I'd never heard of him, and his name escapes me now). The businessman was a strong proponent of raising the taxes on the stinking rich, like himself. The interview went something like this (I'm paraphrasing, but I've got the thrust of it):

    MacCallum: if you want to pay more, why don't you just write a check to the Treasury for the extra amount you think appropriate?
    Stinking Rich Businessman: So, you think our tax system should be completely voluntary, and everyone should just pay what he feels like?
    M: No, we're already required to pay an amount, the question is why you're reluctant to write an additional check.
    SRB (yelling now): Why do you want a voluntary system with no minimum required payment?

    Do it my way, but quit asking me to participate. STFU.

    Eric Hines

  2. They are absolutely certain that funding the cathedral isn't addressing a social emergency.
    Maybe I think it does.

  3. "Tourist mecca Notre Dame also revered as place of worship"--from AP article https://www.apnews.com/f309ea14c9b346acb1d3b72c2564c56b

  4. I trust everyone sees why I always call it the WaPoo.
