Trump at the NRA

The President offered a welcome sentiment today:

"[T]hat American liberty is sacred, and that American citizens live by American laws, not the laws of foreign countries."

That's right. I'm hoping to help other nations attain protections for their own natural right to keep and bear arms, of course. Whether they do or they do not, though, I intend to pass those rights intact to my grandchildren and to future generations.

Others disagree. We can expect a fight. It is a fight I mean to win, or to die in.


  1. As a man once said (or is reputed to have said; it's still true), we help our [cause] by making that other poor bastard die for his.

    My problems with Harris with regard to OP are two: one is that Harris owns a gun, but she wants to severely limit our right to own--and actually to bear--ours.

    The other flows from her claimed purpose in having her gun. That's fine for her, but she doesn't get to impose that purpose, or any other on anyone else--either in her capacity as a private individual or her capacity as a member of a government.

    With regard to the author of the linked-to piece, his relevance and the danger from him stem solely from the vast numbers of such persons, not the power of their argument.

    Eric Hines

  2. The hell with them all- the end goal of all the enlightened progressives is to put me and mine in a ditch. I will not stand for that. I wrote this little reply to one of them.

    The Right to Life does not mean a thing without the means to protect it.
    Ask any unborn.

    Your Military and Police "Only ones with guns" have murdered more people in the last 100 years than every armed citizen since time began.

    You have been the recipient of years of propaganda, constant, pervasive, from the left, and cannot make a rational assessment. They have told you what to think, and destroyed your ability to reason using their main tool, the Public schools AKA indoctrination centers. Opposing points of view have been eliminated from the curricula.

    Maybe 30 years ago someone could have persuaded me to give up my rifle- back before the leftist's told me they wanted me dead. Not today. Not after the obscene hatred spewed forth from them. Not a freaking chance. After what those Covington kids received via social media, no way, no how am I giving up weapons. The left hates me, and every concept of Personal Liberty enshrined in the Constitution, and would , if I and my compatriots were disarmed, round us up and murder us all.
    History confirms this. There is no question about it.
    Lenin. Mao. Stalin. Pol Pot. Castro. Find a Leftist -communist government and you will find a bunch of dead people, who's only crime was believing something than the Party line. And yes, the Democratic party pushing gun confiscation is communist in all but name. They hide behind that name.

    The United States has no "gun problem." What we have is an inner city gang problem. Subtract out the gang-bangers and our firearms death rate is lower than Europe's. Evaporate every gun in existence in the world and the homicide rate won't change a bit.
    Thugs will use machetes, and the weak small and old will have given up their ability to protect their Right to Life.

    In closing- Ever hear of the concept of "unintended consequences?" Ever think about the unknown ramifications of making about 50% of the citizenry felons?
    The Civil War the Left seems intent on starting in this country will kill a hundred million people-
    I would suggest it is time to stop harassing those you perceive as an enemy,
    and wake up. You are being used.

  3. Very well said, brother.

  4. ymarsakar6:12 AM

    First Rule of Fight Club

    There's a book written by Ross called "Unintended Consequences". McVeigh said that he would have done differently (not been manipulated) if he had read that book before Oklahoma.

  5. ymarsakar6:14 AM

    Conservatives that disagree with me on science (they can't even participate in a debate let alone win one), keep telling me I need to get more Education. Obviously the Indoctrination didn't take the first 10+ years. We need another 10+ years for Comrade Ymar over here for his bad think!

    You humans...

  6. ymarsakar6:17 AM

    Thugs will use machetes, and the weak small and old will have given up their ability to protect their Right to Life.

    I don't particulate like machetes. Double handed grip offers much better leverage using torsio tension and side line leverage off the root leg ground.

    Machetes are for the barbarians with one arm strength greater than my leg.

    The jihadis are pretty malnourished 10 years ago. Good luck finding one that is well fed and American diet/muscle trained. Well, maybe that is why they flood in to the USA/Canada/Europe, to get that feed done well first.

  7. ymarsakar6:19 AM

    The Civil War the Left seems intent on starting in this country will kill a hundred million people

    We have already called in reinforcements from our Fleet.

    Humanity may be surprised in the coming years.
