They've Been Killing Us for a Long Time

Today's saint of the day in the Orthodox Church is Martyr Sabbas Strateletes.

Quoting from the Orthodox Ancient Faith website:

Martyr Sabbas Strateletes (“the General”) of Rome, and 70 soldiers with him (272)

April 24, 2019 Length: 0:58

He came from a noble Gothic family. Like St George, he was an officer in the imperial army. He lived a life of great purity, fasted greatly, and often visited imprisoned Christians. Because of this his Christian faith became known, and when he was summoned before the Emperor, he boldly confessed his faith. He was tortured in many ways, but emerged unharmed. Seeing this miracle, seventy of his fellow-soldiers confessed Christ and were beheaded at the Emperor's command. Sabbas himself was condemned to death by drowning, and gave his soul to God in 272.

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