Something's Missing

The United States Post Office has issued a new stamp honoring the Doughboys that went "over there" and helped to win "the Great War".  The artwork is nice, depicting a biplane, some barbed wire, some smoke, and a proud Doughboy, ready for action clutching in front of him a... flag.  Wait, what?  No rifle?

That pose also looks suspiciously as if you would normally expect a rifle in his hands in that position- not to mention that's not really how to treat a flag of the United States.  Anyway, this piece will tell you about how no one from USPS wants to talk about how this was made, and bonus- it's a well written piece that was a pleasure to read.  It's really getting ridiculous how these people really think it's their place to decide what we see and where, and on our dime no less.


  1. Anonymous8:08 AM

    When I hit the link, it goes to a bing search for "turn the tide" images.

  2. Who needs rifles when you've got Old Glory?

    Well, the 3rd Infantry Division made a lot of use of them. They were the first large-scale American unit to adopt precision fire training for all soldiers. Their success in the American Expeditionary Force was predicated on that training, which allowed them to outperform German divisions at the Marne.

  3. Sorry- Link fixed! Am I supposed to note something like that as a footnote to the post itself under proper blog protocol?

  4. Grim, Indeed, and earned the title "Devil Dogs" from the astounded Germans. He talks about it in the piece a bit.
