Roger Scruton Apologizes

The famous intellectual and critic Roger Scruton was recently embroiled in one of those controversies about saying some allegedly offensive things. Today, he apologizes:
Not for the first time I am forced to acknowledge what a mistake it is to address young leftists as though they were responsible human beings.
The most egregious of these was the editing "for space" of his comments on China, in which he warned that the government was trying to impose a dangerous homogeneity on the populace, and that this gave the society a frightening aspect. What they actually quoted him as saying was simply that it was scary how Chinese people are all alike: "each Chinese person is a kind of replica of the next one."


  1. If you are a public figure, and maybe even if you aren't, when being interviewed, you have to insist on having your own recording of the event/interview just to protect yourself.

    What we really need are some lawsuits. Editing like that isn't for space, it seems obvious enough for me, and that pretty much leaves malicious intent. If there is not penalty, there will be no change in behavior.

  2. We're getting close to She Wore A Yellow Ribbon territory, aren't we? "Never apologize: It's a sign of weakness."

  3. Some say we're there.

  4. Ymarsakar7:52 AM

    Never apologize to the enemy. It is a sign of weakness.

    What that CEO didn't know is that Chicago produces a significant amount of gang stalkers and enforcers for the Deep State's paramilitary wings. Relying on anybody Chicago not to beat the brains out of "citizen" slaves, is perhaps asking too much given what they moon light as.

    On that note, an interesting rumor has been going around about gang stalking and Fusion centers, employed by DHS/FBI cut outs. The Deep State's real treasonous Gestapo and SS, although they would be closer to the NKVD of Marxism.

    A lot of intel boys and girls and those in the clandescent shadows get offended because they think their classification ring is the one being slandered. What they don't realize is that America has several layers of secrecy based on need to know. What they consider top level clandestine projects are only the MIDDLE layer, not the Deepest layers.

  5. Ymarsakar7:54 AM


    This is American Obedience to the Iron Fist of the Law in perfect picture.

  6. The treatment of Candace Owens this week, and her extraordinarily able defense of herself, are a case in point. If we had only her enemies' account of her words, we'd have a very different view of what happened. I was glad to see Sandermann sue, I believe defamation suits will help in the long run, but right now we need independent recordings and independent publishers, ready to push back instantly and forcefully.
