Racism and the minimum wage

Thomas Sowell is always worth reading.
In the United States, as the minimum wage rate specified in the law began to be raised, beginning in the 1950s, so as to catch up with inflation and then keep up with inflation, the minimum wage law became effective in practice once again — and a racial gap in unemployment rates opened up and expanded.
As a black teenager, I was lucky enough to be looking for jobs when the minimum wage law was rendered ineffective by inflation. I was also lucky enough to have gone through New York schools at a time when they still had high educational standards.

1 comment:

  1. I'm starting to convince myself that the left wants to keep raising minimum wage not because it's good for workers- it clearly isn't (evidence the kiosk recently installed at the local Taco Bell, and reduction of human employees as a result of he $15/hr movement), but because they want to create disaffection and restlessness among the youth, and want to force automation so as to make their pushes for things like universal basic income more appetizing to more people. They seek to destroy everything so they can rebuild their utopia upon the tabula rasa.
