NRA Board in Executive Session

LTC(R) Ollie North announced yesterday that he will not be returning as President, and prosecutors in New York announced subpoenas related to charges Colonel North made about misuse of funds by the longstanding NRA leadership. Today, the board has gone into an executive session that has so far lasted six hours.

As I've mentioned before, I know Ollie North. I met him in Iraq, spent some time with him there, and have spent time with him on other occasions here. I trust him, and know him to be a man of honor. My strong assumption is therefore that he is going to prove to be on the right side of this. If he says there's been dirty business going on there, the audit he called for is warranted and wise.

The NRA is an extremely important civil rights organization, and I am angry that anyone would put it at risk for any reason -- but especially if it was done for personal profit. We'll have to keep an eye on this story and see how it shakes out. The best source I know of right now is this journalist's Twitter feed.

UPDATE: Few public changes announced at the end of the closed-door session. Keep your eyes on the ball.


  1. Looks like a Battle of Competing Audits. (I don't think Gawain & Co., or Arthur's bunch, ever thought of this.....)

    LaP wants an audit of North's outfit; North wants an audit of NRA.

    You mean to tell me that NRA has never been audited? That's a firing offense right there!

  2. ymarsakar1:39 PM

    I don't want to be audited by the IRS yet. Not sure if any Republican really wants that, no matter what they say in public.

    North is a kind of scapegoat for the Deep State/CIA op in Iran. He, most likely, didn't know anything about anything. He's a burned asset. He may be causing trouble for the Deep State now as a result.
