Here's some good news

Middlebury College besmirched its own honor by canceling an appearance by Polish philosopher Ryszard Legutko, for the usual tiresome SJW snowflake reasons, and some alarming new ones, including concerns that faculty would retaliate against students who showed insufficient wokeness. Then a small miracle happened: a professor agreed to host the proscribed speaker for a small class if all of his students agreed by secret ballot. A number of other students got wind of it and attended as well. A free discussion followed in which skeptical students heard Mr. Legutko out and argued with him respectfully.
“During the days of communist totalitarianism, scholars from the West traveled to Eastern Bloc nations to give underground lectures and seminars,” said Keegan Callanan, who directs the Alexander Hamilton Forum and invited the Polish politician. “On Wednesday, Mr. Legutko returned the favor.”


  1. Charles Murray weighs in, from the perspective of his own assault on the Middlebury campus:

  2. What a shame to be in the position of needing to hold underground meetings, like in the time of the Communist totalitarian governments.

  3. The professor showed more courage than most would have; still, ALL of his students had to agree? any one of them veto power over the others?

  4. I think the prof was challenging his students more than ceding a veto power. After all, there were only 9 of them; he knew of what they were made by then.

    Eric Hines

  5. On the encouraging side, ALL of the students did agree.
